Thomas, Oliver and Daisies (oil on canvas) 2009

Thomas and Ollie (and the daisies) belong to Karl and Carlé. Karl makes good beer and keeps bees. I haven't tasted his mead yet. Carlé weaves, crafts and does all sorts of other stuff.

Progress shots

Bobs (hemp rope and waxed thread) 2009

I've been doing some knotwork recently. Jaco named them Bob. They are monkey's fist knots with splices, whippings, seizings, wall, double wall and crown, Matthew Walker, and double Matthew Walker knots. For self defense, the visiting tom cat and other interesting uses.

Ella (oil on canvas) 2009

Another commission for Kelly-X of her daughter, Ella.

Progress shots

Rough Around The Edges (oil on fibre board) 2009

A rough, loosely painted self portrait with a vague resemblance to me.

Progress shots

Catching Raindrops II (oil on canvas) 2009

This one commissioned for a birthday pressie. Happy, happy!

Progress shots

This week's drawing class

It's show-and-tell time again! Look what the kids 'n me drew. Artists: Hannah (8), Caleb (10) and Alex (11). I think I'm enjoying teaching them.

Yesterday's art class

Pieces of the source image for Catching Raindrops, drawn by Hannah (8), Caleb (10) and Alex (11).

Wave (oil on canvas) 2009

Commissioned by Kelly-X of her son, Shane.

Progress shots


Drawing class again. This time the kids got to draw Terri, so I joined in.


One of my drawing class students.

Drawing Class

...Wednesdays 18:30-20:00, with Caleb, Hannah, Alex and Emma. Emma belongs to Annalet and Alex is a friend of Caleb and Hannah.

This Big III (oil on canvas) 2009

Some fishing stories are closer to the truth. Third of three, to hang in Pete's new Longbeach Chiropractic.

Progress shots

This Big II (oil on canvas) 2009

Second fish story of three. Peter is a chiropractor. This was painted to hang in his new premises in Sun Valley.

Progress shots

This Big I (oil on canvas) 2009

First of three fish tales, painted to hang in Pete's new premises.

Progress shots

Hope (oil on canvas) 2009

Carlé brought Traveling Hope to visit us. Verrry exciting for the kids. I didn't want to send her home covered in paint so I suggested she rather try her hand at posing.

Progress shots

My Young Boy (oil on canvas) 2009

It's a series. "My Old Boy", "My Girl" and now this. Terri just doesn't want to let these ones of Sheth go. Progress shots

Erica (oil on canvas) 2009

Terri's mom. Next time I hopefully won't have to struggle with a low quality image. Progress shots

My Girl (oil on canvas) 2009

I wanted to do a series when I painted "My Old Boy". Hannah is the second. I'm busy with Sheth, "My Young Boy". Progress shots

Xena (oil on canvas) 2009

I also paint animals, it seems. This one commissioned by Karen. Progress shots

Nolundi's Smile (oil on canvas) 2009

Nolundi weaves for our friend Carlé. Progress shots

Gisela (oil on canvas) 2009

...and one more of Annalet's sister's children. Progress shots

Christof (oil on canvas) 2009

Another of Annalet's sister's children. Progress shots

Simoné (oil on canvas) 2009

Annalet's sister commissioned this, one of three of her children. Progress shots

Bright Golden Curls (oil on canvas) 2009

This is Terri. wife. Sorry, no nudes. She is trying to convince me otherwise, but if it happens, it will be discreet. Progress shots

Hannah (oil on canvas) 2008

Final of three paintings of my children, although I did paint them at the same time, finishing each stage before going back to the first. Progress shots

Sheth (oil on canvas) 2008

Second of three (paintings) of my children. Progress shots

Caleb (oil on canvas) 2008

One of three, of my children. Progress shots

My Old Boy (oil on canvas) 2008

A sliver of Caleb's smile. Try this one for a cropped image. Progress shots

Eryn (oil on canvas) 2008

Tracy's niece, commissioned for her sister. I love painting portraits.

Eryn, Study 2 (acrylic on canvas) 2008

When I stopped painting, it was only to reach for another canvas. This one I stopped in the pre-oil stage. Hopefully I wouldn't run out before I got the final one done for Tracy.

Eryn, Study 1 (oil on canvas) 2008

Tracy commissioned a portrait of Eryn, her niece, for her sister, Missie. I tried something different and quite liked the result, at which point I stopped painting.

Ryan (oil on canvas) 2008

Fourth of four for... well, for Ryan, if you didn't see the previous posts. If you don't 'get' this one, just keep looking.

Tracy (oil on canvas) 2008

Third of four for Ryan.

Catching Rain Drops (oil on canvas) 2008

This is my idea of a still life. See, I don't just paint portraits. One day I might paint a landscape as well.

First Joy, Increased (oil on canvas) 2008

Painted from the first painting of "First Joy", it was soon after this that I was told that I had painted another artist's painting and not a photograph. Oops.

The Wonder Of It (oil on canvas) 2008

No, I don't know who this is or who he belongs to. I did manage to get permission from whoever took the photograph. Probably the parent. Anyway, it was beautiful so I painted it.

Jessica (oil on canvas) 2008

Second of four for Ryan.

Alex (oil on canvas) 2008

First of four for my good friend, Ryan Jaap.

Joy II (oil on canvas) 2008

The search for happiness continues. Talitha stood still long enough for a blurry photo.

My Old Chair (oil on canvas) 2008

I started this a few months before the swift kick. I took advantage of the burst of creativity and finished it. My Hannah girl on an old folding chair.

Here I Am (oil on canvas) 2008

I enjoyed the emotion in "First Joy" and in my search I (well, it was actually Terri) came across this. It turned out to be a photo of Annalet's father, so she soon laid claim to the painting.

First Joy (oil on canvas) 2008

I stopped painting for a while. Life had got in the way. Fortunately, Terri, bless her, gave me a kick up the rear end. About September last year I painted "First Joy" in the studio of Leonie Brown.